Important Information

Beacon Hill Public School

What you may or may not know about Beacon Hill Public School!

Safe and Caring Schools

Beacon Hill School provides an environment that promotes and supports positive relationships. Programs and strategies in place promote positive social-emotional learning, respectful behaviors, and responsible decision making. Clear expectations followed by leveled consequences help students learn to shape their behavior to what is acceptable. 


Staff teaches and models positive relationships and behaviors. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports--students are taught expectations, and as situations arise, re-teaching of appropriate behaviors is done in the classrooms. Small group support for friendship skills, anger, and self-regulation are facilitated by our school counselor and LAC.


We reward positive behaviors with ROARYs, use Zones of Regulation in the classroom, and students are educated in conflict resolution through anti-bullying programs such as WITS. A revamped ROARY program awards students who demonstrate respect, responsibility, effort, trying something new, being prepared and ready, being courteous and polite, being a good listener, caring for others, good cooperation and sharing, and being honest and trustful. ROARIES are displayed in the main hallway and the students get to choose a reward from a treasure chest of prizes.


We recognize citizenship characteristics through ROARIES, PBIS, Zones of Regulation, end of the year awards, and Monthly Assemblies where we recognize: Readers of the Month, Bears of the Month (Work Effort), and Athletes of the Month. 

Students are taught how to interact in appropriate ways when dealing with bullying situations; Partnership with RCMP to deliver programming with teachers. Anti Bullying activities are also done throughout the year and we hold an annual PINK shirt day.Our RCMP sponsored WITS program focuses on conflict resolutions and anti-bullying strategies for students.

Mindfulness is implemented in all grades, and training is provided by the school counselor to help students deal with stress and anxiety in a positive way. Teachers use mindfulness techniques with their students in the classroom. 

Character Education is being taught via the 7 Teachings of First Nations, Metis and Inuit.

This was our fourth year of implementing The Leader in Me Program and all of our staff have had training in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Through the Leader in Me program our school community is creating a school culture of leaders.  Students are developing leadership skills to enable them to further become leaders in their classrooms, school, and community. Teachers model and teach respectful and responsible behaviors, and active citizenship. A future goal is to work on the establishment of lighthouse student groups to empower students to take on more school based leadership roles.


Student Learning Opportunities

At Beacon Hill Public School we have many great programs both curricular and extracurricular which help shape our students’ futures.  Each grade has a curriculum which is directed by Alberta Education. 

In addition to regular curriculum programming we are focused on providing students with technology skills required for the future in each grade. We offer an after school Tech and Trade Academy Multi-Media and Robotics program.

First Nations, Metis & Inuit Education is mandated by Alberta Education and we are infusing it in the regular curriculum but also have a school wide focus on character education to highlight each of the 7 Teachings and utilize excellent resources available in our school library.

Grades 5-6 follow the Career & Technology Foundations Curriculum to explore career possibilities and related skills, passions and interests.

A large number of students have taken on Leadership positions within the school which highlight their strengths and interests thanks to The Leader in Me.


Fine Arts

Each grade has a curriculum which is directed by Alberta Education. Drama and Music curriculum is infused into regular instruction in the classroom and teachers utilize numerous online resources for lessons. We have a trained Art teacher on staff that teaches visual arts lessons to various grades. 

We participate in a Spring Fine Arts and Multicultural Evening at the school to celebrate student accomplishments. Students participate in various community art contests that are offered in the community.



Beacon Hill School technology opportunities include: iMovie, Robotics, Multimedia, Brickz 4Kidz, and the school wide use of iPads and Chrome books and Epson boards in all the classrooms, and a newly renovated gym sound system. 

Tech and Trade Academy is new and students in grade 3 to 6 can participate bi-weekly in Multimedia, iMovie and Robotics’ activities. All students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 have access to either iPads or ChromeBooks in the classroom, as well as Epson Boards. Our students compete in the annual Robotics’ Tournament every Spring.

Students access gmail accounts so they can use Google Docs to collaborate on projects and be able to access accounts anywhere, anytime, anyplace.  Students may also have teachers using google classroom to review and submit work to teachers. iPads and Chromebooks are used to access web based programs such as Mathletics, RAZ kids, Lexia, Mipi, Reading Eggs, and Math Seeds. 



We are an APPLE school choosing learning geared towards healthy eating & active living, and involve our students in daily physical activities, which includes a 10 minute DPA. We offer a daily breakfast program, supported by our nutrition grant, for our students as well as an optional hot lunch program. A morning and lunch recess provides opportunities for students to have a break and get some exercise.  

We have a school APPLE teacher rep that works with the division Apple School coordinator to help deliver programs and educate students. Staff participate in regular Apple Schools professional development. 

We have a school counselor who delivers Mindfulness training to students as well as other positive ways to deal with mood changes, anxiety and other life stresses. All our staff utilizes Positive Behavioral Integration and Supports to teach student’s appropriate and positive behaviors. 


Physical Education

Our Phys Ed program follows the curriculum set out by Alberta Education and includes tubing for grade 3, Downhill Skiing and Snowboarding for Grades 4-6, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, ultimate Frisbee, badminton, running club, archery, flag football, soccer, dodgeball, capture the flag, and other games. Physical Education is taught by the classroom teacher.

Daily Physical Activity is incorporated in class, and more often is a movement break between lessons , and Intramurals are run twice a week during recess and lunch times (basketball, volleyball and floor hockey).


Learning Another Language

Students in grades 5/6 learn French as part of weekly instruction.


Learning in the Classroom

We offer a wide range of learning activities (project based learning, differentiated instruction) which allow our students to develop competencies such as problem solving, critical thinking, cooperation and collaboration. Students work together under the facilitation of the teacher to complete a variety of projects and assignments throughout the year.

Academic Supports

A school wide focus on using Daily 5 for literacy and numeracy instruction, Leveled Literacy Intervention, Mathletics, Google Classroom, See Saw and Reading Eggs in the classroom. Literacy and Numeracy support through Leveled Literacy and Numeracy, and Daily 5 Interventions in and out of class occur daily in the school’s grade 1-6 classes.  Each teacher utilizes Guided Reading and Math routines to help students at their skill level.  Supplemental programs to build skills further such as Mathletics, Reading Eggs, Math Seeds, RAZ kids, Lexia, Mipi, and Math Prodigy help our students improve. In preparation for PAT exams, grade 6 students finish their curriculum and have regular comprehensive reviews, practice exams, and tutorials.


Teachers use Strategies such as Exam Back, Leveled Literacy Interventions, Daily Five, student learning centres, differentiated instruction, and Words Their Way, Reading Eggs, Math seeds, Daily 3, Mathletics, Math Prodigy, Math Antics, Math Manipulatives, Handwriting without Tears, and Jolly Phonics as part of daily instruction. 


We continue to provide yearlong opportunities for all students to develop a knowledge and understanding of, and respect for, the histories, cultures, languages, contributions, perspectives, experiences and contemporary contexts of First Nations, Metis and Inuit, and to enhance our school communities’ understanding of First Nations, Metis and Inuit world views, cultural beliefs, languages and values, and teach about truth and reconciliation.



Students have access to a wide range of after school clubs and school events: art club, debate club, tech and multimedia club, ultimate Frisbee, running club, snowshoeing club, archery club, volleyball, basketball, track and field, floor hockey, and badminton, Sports Day, Earth Rangers, family dances, Turkey Day, Christmas Concert, Fine Arts Multicultural Evening, Heritage Park Program, Oil Sands Discovery Center program, Vista Ridge Ski & Snowboarding program, participation in Girl Power Conference/Boys Conferences, and Grade 6 visit to Composite High school. 



We are lucky to have a caring and dedicated staff that works hard to meet the curriculum expectations while creating exciting and interesting lessons for our students, engaging them in hands-on activities and challenging them as needed. 

Teachers collaborate with grade partners, participate in a school based mentorship program for new teachers, and collaborate on Professional Learning Fridays and in Monthly Collaborative Response Meetings sharing expertise and knowledge.

Our School’s Learning Assistance Teacher guides staff regarding students with special needs and works closely with parents to ensure the students’ needs are being met. She also takes on small groups of students for instruction in reading and other specialized areas. Our School Counselor assists students with problems and issues. She also works with classes with Mindfulness training and organizes anti-bullying activities (Wits, Pink Shirt Day activities, Orange Shirt Day). 


Prep for Lifelong Learning

Leadership development opportunities are offered to older students as help in the main office, Students assisting students (Reading Buddies), MC’s at assemblies, breakfast program helpers, student advisory council, and leaders in the classroom. 

We work with students to support the community through activities related to the Terry Fox Foundation, The Wood Buffalo Food Bank, The United Way, And Jump Rope for Heart as well as fundraising for our own neighborhood families.

We are teaching students to be conscious of their environment as a Green School. Students also learn to care for our environment by recycling drink containers, and experimenting with growing vegetables in our Garden Tower. A future school goal is to build some outside planters so that we can have a school garden, and students can participate in a school outdoor environmental club. 


Parental Involvement

Parents are involved in decisions about their child’s education via School Council and Parent Plus meetings.  The School Council and the Principal communicate via the school website, Twitter and Facebook so parents are kept abreast of what is happening at the school through the media. Parents can remain in constant communication with the school via arranged meetings, email, phone calls, or following the Facebook page, Twitter and School Website. The office administration is always open to hearing concerns from parents.

The Principal shares and gets input from School Council members regarding school budget, school results and the growth plan.  Parents volunteer their time to support numerous school based activities and fundraisers. Good community resources include: Mental Health Programs, our partnership with the RCMP, Earth Rangers, the Oil sands Discovery Center, Heritage Park, Vista Ridge, and the Family Foods grocery store.  

One special community function that occurs traditionally is our Turkey Day where members of the community, parents and staff assist in teaching our students how to prepare a Turkey Dinner: peeling potatoes, cooking vegetables, setting tables, and serving guests food.  It is an annual school celebration and huge event. This past year was the largest attendance ever by parents and members of the community. 

Staff acknowledge student volunteers and parent volunteers through a yearly volunteer appreciation event.



Students learn to be better citizens through our health and social programming in each grade, and Positive Intervention and Support strategies. In addition, Students learn about character education through our 7 Teachings, through leadership opportunities and the Leader in Me program, and Girl Power and Mega Boys.  We do a lot of community awareness fundraising via The Center of Hope and The Food Bank, as well as larger projects such as Jump Rope for Heart, the United Way, and Terry Fox foundations.  Student leaders are constantly surprising us with their willingness to help the community as good citizens.  We are environmentally conscious and have a recycling program within the school as well as participating in events such as Destination Conservation and Green Scene.  


Work Preparation

Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving are just a few examples of learning strategies to prepare students for the world of work.  Teachers ensure that projects are purposeful and hold meaning because they relate to the work outside of school.   In Grade 5 & 6 students have access to research about particular careers that may interest them. The Leader in Me Program is also preparing them by teaching the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We also liaison with our local high schools as our grade 6 students plan for their transition there for the next year. 


Continuous Improvement

Every year the staff analyzes our School results and looks at how we can further improve in areas that are needed. Strategies are implemented and often, specific interventions are provided to students in all grades to help them become more successful.

Our most recent School Assurance results are posted on the website and show that we have VERY HIGH results which have improved significantly from the year prior and show overall excellence.